Monday, August 10, 2009

Balance of Power

There are laws in every nation, and because of those laws it is very important that those laws are heard and enforced. As citizens of the United States the responsibility falls upon our society to choose people to lead our government. Within the political world it is the priority of the government to deliver what the people need. The government must be able to deliver for the people and preserve the morals of this great nation. There are several areas in which government has the responsibility to see that justice is served. Those areas are the courts, congress, and the Presidency. The three branches of government each play their own important role in our economy. The legislative branch serves a level of government through congress such as the Senate and the House of Representatives. The executive branch serves in the areas such as the Presidency. The judicial branch serves in the areas of the Supreme Courts. Government must be able to recognize when change is needed and to make sure that our economy is preserved and protected. The protection of our rights is the major concern that our government must insure does not suffer. During the most difficult times that our nation will face, the responsibility of our government that must make sure that our nation advances in a positive direction. Some issues such as finance, debit and war are just a few examples of what the powers of government have to face. War for instance is among one of the most important issues that congress would have to purpose during a time of urgency such as in September 11, 2001. Although some may view government as a threat to the economy, others may view it as well balanced structure that preserves peace and stability.

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